Friday, January 16, 2009

The Law of Balance

In the honest Mirror’s eyes see what you wish—

          a swift falcon? An earth bound rock?

At best the rock rolls down hill over ants,

          the Sky’s blue lips always court the harrier hawk.


The Spiritual Law of Balance states that all is completely in balance in God's universal body. Everything is as it should be. Now this may raise eyebrows and cause an outrage when one takes just a cursory look at all that is happening in the world today. But the truth still remains that the world is just the way human beings have made it to be. None can change another's world significantly without the receiver wanting to be changed, and that means, doing something concrete to keep your world changed for the better. All another could do for you is lend a helping hand somehow. So the responsibility falls squarely on each person to make their lives the way they would want.

Truly, there is nothing wrong with the world! This is indeed a bold claim, but true. Are you unhappy and sad? Do you want to be otherwise? Then choose to be happy and cheerful. The trouble is we look too much to others to make us happy when there is an ocean of love and wellbeing deep in each person's heart untapped. So if you want to be happy, the spiritual rule states that you must be willing to go out of your way to make another happy. For the only way to get love is to constantly give love to all life. To receive, we must first learn to give without expecting any returns. 

It's said that the world is always in a state of flux. This is all too true because Spirit always seeks balance. Water is said to seek it's level. This is pure balance. The planets hang and rotate around and along clearly marked orbits and axis. This is ultimate balance. The rain, snow, wind, sunshine and even earthquakes, all come in due season. All obey this invisible but immutable Law of Balance. All you need to do is look up and about and mostly within to observe this cardinal law that steadily moves life according to divine plans.

So why man should expect to be exempt from this supreme rule that every other life form bows down to is beyond understanding. Why do we have endless wars? Hunger? Economic crises? Diseases? Deaths of innocent children? Abject poverty and more? Do you think nature is constantly sending its grim waves of change to bring man back to needed balance from his wanton life of greed, anger, vanity, lust, envy, jealousy, etc? You be the judge. Look at poor Africa and its hapless people. You will be brought down to tears. But wait a second before wasting your misplaced tears of pity and take a closer look at the immense wealth buried in the black soil of Africa, then ask, what is really going on here? Life is just. We need brighter lenses to see beyond the walls of emotion. Yes, we need to look from the top. But first you must learn to rise above the magnet of gravity with spiritual wings.

So how could one begin to learn the basic spiritual laws like Balance so as to come into a greater life of love, happiness and harmony? Start by seeking out a spiritual teacher who knows these laws and their successful application for optimum spiritual benefits. If you succeed in finding the true Master here on earth and follow him, he will in time bring you up to the spiritual mountain and place you in a stragetic position where you can observe life's supreme balance without being affected negatively or positively by it. You will then be in perfect spiritual balance. But this is a whole new and different story.

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