Friday, January 9, 2009

Yield, Man Yield!

“God, my weight is drowning me,” cried Greed.

“I’m so inflated I could explode,”

sobbed Vanity. “I’m in hell,” yelled Anger.

“I’m a beast, God save me,” pleaded Lust.

Man must yield to live! Craving martyrdom for whatever the cause is a red mark of the ego inflated to the skies. I don't usually write about politics and social issues, but what the heck! I am a member of the human community, too, and as such entitled to my unique opinion. Besides i watch tv too and see the perennial blood-flow from the Middle East begin to gush all over again. There is a Nigerian saying that goes like this; "A child that prevents his mother from sleep shall not sleep himself." Another way of saying the same thing is, to keep a child from wandering away at will, you must become his prisoner.

I'm talking about the powerful Israelis and the hardy Palestinians and their little wars, which they know just the right time to start one becuase the whole world will be roused to frantic pity, tears, protests, unbridled aids and containers of ready cash for assistance. But the irony is that all this massive flow of empathy, sympathy, anger and condemnation never manages to bring a single leaf of peace to that red region of the world. So what do i think?

In my own neutral opinion, the only people to bring a lasting peace between the Jews and the Arabs are the Jews and the Arabs themselves. They are fighting and dying for a piece of land, which none of them brought to earth when they were born. So they fight and die to come back to fight and die again. The whole world gets outraged by the callous killing of women and children when the people themselves are so desensitized to these gory sights that one may wonder, so why should anyone else care? Just how could you force somebody to care when they just don't want to care? Both of them are losers in the long haul. Nobody could bring them true peace. In fact, even God couldn't do it.

As long as there are rich nations ready to stand by and support Israel in whatever they do to the poor Palestinians; as long as there are equally powerful countries willing to supply the Arabs with whatever weapons they need to fight, the bloodshed will go on ad infinitum. These wars seem to keep them alive. When will the world wake up to learn this? So, i'll say to the warring factions; Do you want peace? Do you sincerely desire real peace? Really? Then yield your big egos and tenacious attachments to what none of you could take with you when you die. Israel, yield your arrogance of power. Palestine, give up your senseless stubbornness. Both of you, yield your stolid ignorance. Yield now to survive. There is enough space on earth for every tree to grow as tall or short as they like. Yield, man yield!

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